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Metallic scrap

High-quality recycling to maximize recyclable material flows

Many semi-finished products and product grades allow impurities in the ppm range. For their production, however, usually highest metal grades are used, sometimes with a purity of 99.999%. Part of this high-quality metal can be substituted by recycling contaminated metal-containing scraps without having to go through all refining stages again.

The systems developed by Küttner ensure the highest level of pyrometallurgical recycling in order to return high-quality scrap even more economically into the product cycle and to optimize required recycling stages.

Associated core technologies of the Küttner Group

  • KTRC - Küttner Tiltable Rotary Converter
  • Shaft Furnaces
  • Refining Furnaces
  • KRPS - Küttner Refining and Purging System


The strengths of Küttner

Innovative strength

We make high demands on ourselves first, because this is the only way we remain able to fulfil your …

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The basis of good planning is the clarification of facts and boundary conditions. This includes the …

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Digital Operations

The fourth industrial revolution is a reality. The real and virtual worlds are moving closer togethe…

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