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Eco Flow Systems


Heat recovery systems with:

  • Heat duties from 100 to 50.000 kW
  • Heat transfer fluid: preferred water or thermal oil

Glass Industry

Cement Industry heat recovery for:

  1. Clinker cooling air
  2. Pre-heater waste gas (PH)
    Waste gas before passing gas conditioning tower and electrostatic precipitator (ESP) or bag house (BH) 
  3. Waste gas
    after passing electrostatic precipitator (ESP)

FGD Application

Gas compressor station

Heat recovery system including:

  • Waste heat boiler
  • Water treatment plant
  • Turbine & generator
  • Air condenser
  • Process control system

Combined Steam and Power Generation 16 MWel, netto
Waste Gas 390.000 Nm³/h; 569°C;
Steam 72 t/h, 480°C

Key Advantages

  • Simple heat exchange technology 
  • Surmountable large distances between heat source and consumer
  • High operational flexibility for any consumer
  • Adaptable to the requirements of the consumer
  • Opportunity for CHP with steam turbine or ORC
  • High control ability


  • Engineering and delivery


alle Referenzen

CSC - China Steel Corporation

ECOFLOW for the preheating of fuel gas and combustion air at the heater from hot blast furnace exhaust


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ECOFLOW for generating steam from hot sinter cooler exhaust air


OMV Weitendorf

ECOFLOW for steam generation with subsequent generation of electricity from the exhaust gases of gas turbines


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